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About, Pain Relief Fitness:, pain relief fitness is a membership based online resource dedicated to help you manage chronic soft tissue pain and tightness. Helping to manage chronic issues may assist in maintaining and/or improving performance for your fitness and daily activities.




Our resource was developed and created by Alfie Vente. A Registered Massage Therapist, practicing in Toronto. He observed that patients require more than just stretching and strengthening to help them manage chronic pain and tightness. 


He strongly believes in the power of pressure points and techniques to manage the fascia. 


He has developed programs and techniques that combine pressure points and fascial techniques to stretching, strengthening and range of motion exercises to maximize your pain relief fitness program.

Our member resources:


Alfie Vente RMT

Alfie Vente is a Registered Massage Therapist, registered with the CMTO (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario). He has dedicated almost half of his life (23 years as a Massage Therapist) to successfully treating patients who have suffered from long-standing chronic pain and tightness.


Alfie is a graduate of Sutherland-Chan School and Teaching Clinic. A renowned institution in the world of Massage Therapy.

He is proud of his educational lineage as he was directly taught by respected industry leaders. His instructors included those who shaped the regulation of Massage Therapy in Ontario and instructors who had written the treatments textbooks for the Massage Therapy industry.


He also holds a diploma in Traditional Acupuncture, a 1900 hour program.


As part of his dedication to provide the best possible care and education to his patients, he is currently an Alliance member of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).


In the past he was an instructor at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy, where he taught courses such as Orthopedic Assessment, Anatomy Palpation and Remedial Exercise.


He has used a 4 prong approach to develop these resources:

  1.  His clinical experience

  2. Former Massage Therapy instructor

  3.  Background as a Personal Trainer

  4.  His own exercise experience, especially working with his own traumatic injuries.


He has a strong belief in the methodology that he has developed over the years. He has a passion, love and a focus for his craft and enjoys teaching his patients about their condition and mindset for their treatment.


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Downtown Toronto Clinic info:

This site is an extension of our clinic Vente Pain Relief Clinic, Toronto’s Premiere Deep Tissue Massage and Fascial Therapy clinic. We are Located in Toronto’s Financial District at King and Bay streets. 


Vente Pain Relief Clinic is owned and operated by the husband and wife team of Alfie Vente, the Massage Therapist and Sandra Sarta-Vente who is the Administrator.

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